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Chris Linder

Associate Professor of Higher Education | Higher Education


Dr. Chris Linder is Associate Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy and Director of the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Utah. Chris’s scholarship focuses on equity and power in higher education, with a specific focus on sexual violence. Using a power-conscious framework (Linder, 2018), Chris challenges us to consider the role of power in individual, institutional, and societal-level interactions. Recognized for being accessible to activists and practitioners, her text, Sexual Violence on Campus: Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response, highlights the ways current strategies to address sexual violence among college students over-rely on ineffective reactive policy and focus too heavily on teaching potential victims how not to be victimized. She calls on practitioners and researchers to shift their strategies to intervening with those who cause harm or have the potential to cause harm. Chris’s reseach also examines the scholarship of sexual assault, highlighting the role of epistemic injustice in perpetuating repetitive, victim-blaming, power- and identity-neutral scholarship that does little to eradicate sexual violence.

Working over a decade as a student affairs practitioner, Chris strives to make her scholarship applicable and accessible to practitioners. She leads research teams that include student affairs practitioners, students, and researchers to ensure that research is relevant and that the implications and recommendations of her research are applicable in higher education settings. Currently, she is leading a research project focused on the influence of timely warnings on students’ behaviors related to safety. Chris regularly facilitates workshops with student affairs staff on college campuses and received the University of Georgia faculty mentoring award in 2018 for her mentorship of doctoral students.

Previously, Chris’s scholarship focused on student activism, the developmental processes of anti-racist white women, and the experiences of students of color in student affairs and higher education graduate programs. She has published work in the Journal of College Student Development, the Review of Higher Education, the Journal of Higher Education, and the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. She currently serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education and the Journal of Higher Education. Chris served on the Board of Directors for the ACPA: College Student Educators International and the Association for the Study of Higher Education.

Chris is also an avid ultrarunner, chef, partner, auntie, and part-time van-lifer who takes her summers off very seriously!


  • Quaye, S. J., Linder, C., Stewart, T. J., & Satterwhite, E. M. (2021). A critical examination of college student activism from 2000-2020. In L. W. Perna (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. 37). Springer.
  • Stewart, T. J., Linder, C., Evans. M. E., Quaye, S. J., & Lange, A. C. (2020). “You hired me to do this”: Power, identity, and educators' support of campus activists. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
  • Linder, C., Grimes, N., Williams, B. M., Lacy, M.C., & Parker, B. (2020). What do we know about campus sexual violence? A content analysis of 10 years of research. The Review of Higher Education, 43(4), 1017-1040. doi: 10.1353/rhe.2020.0029
  • Linder, C., Quaye, S. J., Stewart, T. J., Okello, W. K., & Roberts, R. E. (2019). “The whole weight of the world on my shoulders”: Power, identity and student activism. Journal of College Student Development, 60(5), 527-542. doi: 10.1353/csd.2019.0048
  • Linder, C., & Lacy, M. (2019). Blue lights and pepper spray: Cisgender college women’s perceptions of campus safety and the ‘stranger danger’ myth. Journal of Higher Education. Online first. doi:
  • Linder. C., Quaye, S. J., Lange, A. C., Roberts, R. E., Lacy, M., & Okello, W. K. (2019). “A student should have the privilege of just being a student”: Student activism as labor. The Review of Higher Education, 42, supplement, 37-62. doi: 10.1353/rhe.2019.0044.
  • Linder, C., Quaye, S. J., Evans, M. E., Lange, A. C., & Stewart, T. J. (2019). Identity-based student activism: Power and oppression on college campuses. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Linder, C. (2018). Sexual violence on campus: Power-conscious approaches to awareness, prevention, and response. Emerald Publishing.

Honors & Awards

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Higher Education