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Yongmei Ni

Professor | K12


Dr. Yongmei Ni is a Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy. She is also the Assistant Director of the Utah Education Policy Center. Her research examines (1) the importance of school leadership and how leadership preparation programs prepare transformative leaders to make a difference in schools, and (2) various educational policies, including school choice, with a focus of improving education access, equity, and effectiveness. She has published articles in journals such as American Journal of Education, Economics of Education Review, Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Management Administration & Leadership, Educational Policy, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of Educational Finance, and Teachers College Record. She currently serves as an editorial board member for Educational Administration Quarterly after years of serving as an associate editor. She received her Ph.D. in Education Policy and master’s degree in Economics from Michigan State University.


  • Ni, Y., Rorrer, A., Xia, J., Pounder, D., & Young, M. (2022). Educational Leadership Preparation Program Features and Graduates’ Assessment of Program Quality. Journal of Research on Leadership Education.
  • Wei, F., Ni, Y., & Yoon, I. (2021). Understanding the Role of Local Educational Departments in School Collaboration for Improvement: Two Districts in China. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
  • Wei, F. & Ni, Y. (2020). Parent Council, Parent Involvement, and Parent Satisfaction: Evidence from Rural Schools in China. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
  • Gulosino, C., Ni, Y., & Rorrer, A.K. (2019). Newly hired teacher mobility in charter schools and traditional public schools: A test of segmented labor market theory. American Journal of Education. 125(4), 547-592.
  • Ni, Y., Rorrer, A.K., Pounder, D., Young, M., & Korach, S. (2019). Leadership matters: Preparation program quality and learning outcomes. Journal of Educational Administration. 57(2), 185-206.
  • Ni, Y., & Yan, R., & Pounder, D. (2018). Collective leadership: Principals’ decision influence and the supportive or inhibiting decision influence of other stakeholders. Educational Administration Quarterly. 54(2), 216–248.

Honors & Awards

  • 2012: ​Postdoctoral Fellow, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation
  • 2013: William J. Davis Award, Educational Administration Quarterly / American Educational Research Association
  • 2020: ​College of Education Outstanding Faculty Research and Scholarship Award, University of Utah
  • 2020: Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Paper, Journal of Educational Administration/Emerald Publishing